Yakovlev Yak-42D specifications
Gathered information on what year the aircraft was produced
Number of passengers the aircraft can carry
Yakovlev Yak-42D number of seats: 120Number of engines installed on the aircraft
Yakovlev Yak-42D number of engines: 3Type of engines used in the aircraft of this model
List of all aircraft that are registered on our website
3C-LLL, 4L-AAM, 4L-AAR, 4L-TGG, 9L-LDP, 9L-LDS, B-2751, B-2752, B-2753, B-2754, B-2755, B-2756, B-2757, B-2758, B-4012, B-4013, CCCP-42316, CCCP-42330, CCCP-42342, CCCP-42344, CCCP-42345, CCCP-42346, CCCP-42354, CCCP-42359, CCCP-42361, CCCP-42362, CCCP-42364, CCCP-42365, CCCP-42366, CCCP-42367, CCCP-42369, CCCP-42370, CCCP-42371, CCCP-42372, CCCP-42373, CCCP-42374, CCCP-42375, CCCP-42376, CCCP-42377, CCCP-42378, CCCP-42379, CCCP-42380, CCCP-42381, CCCP-42382, CCCP-42383, CCCP-42385, CCCP-42386, CCCP-42388, CCCP-42390, CCCP-42401, CCCP-42402, CCCP-42404, CCCP-42405, CCCP-42406, CCCP-42407, CCCP-42408, CCCP-42409, CCCP-42410, CCCP-42411, CCCP-42412, CCCP-42415, CCCP-42549, CCCP-42550, CU-T1242, CU-T1243, CU-T1246, CU-T1247, CU-T1249, CU-T1255, CU-T1272, CU-T1273, CU-T1277, CU-T1278, CU-T1279, CU-T1285, CU-T1704, CU-T1707, EK-42342, EK-42345, EK-42362, EK-42417, EK-42447, EK-42470, EP-CPA, EP-CPB, EP-CPC, EP-CPK, EP-CPR, EP-LAE, EP-LAH, EP-LAM, EP-LBT, EP-QFA, EP-QFB, EP-SAF, EP-SAG, EP-TAV, EP-YAA, EP-YAB, EP-YAC, EP-YAE, ER-42409, ER-YCA, ER-YCB, ER-YCC, ER-YCD, ER-YCE, ER-YCF, EX-42342, EZ-42404, EZ-J672, EZ-J673, EZ-J674, LY-AAP, LY-AAQ, LY-AAR, LY-AAU, LY-AAW, LY-AAX, LY-SKB, LY-SKC, LY-SKD, RA-42316, RA-42330, RA-42342, RA-42344, RA-42345, RA-42346, RA-42359, RA-42361, RA-42362, RA-42364, RA-42365, RA-42367, RA-42368, RA-42370, RA-42371, RA-42373, RA-42374, RA-42375, RA-42378, RA-42379, RA-42380, RA-42382, RA-42384, RA-42385, RA-42386, RA-42387, RA-42388, RA-42389, RA-42390, RA-42401, RA-42402, RA-42406, RA-42408, RA-42409, RA-42411, RA-42412, RA-42413, RA-42414, RA-42415, RA-42417, RA-42418, RA-42421, RA-42422, RA-42423, RA-42424, RA-42425, RA-42426, RA-42427, RA-42428, RA-42429, RA-42430, RA-42432, RA-42433, RA-42434, RA-42435, RA-42436, RA-42437, RA-42438, RA-42439, RA-42440, RA-42441, RA-42442, RA-42443, RA-42444, RA-42445, RA-42446, RA-42450, RA-42451, RA-42452, RA-42549, RA-42550, RA-42555, RA-42557, ST-AQZ, ST-MRL, ST-TAR, T9-ABD, TC-FAR, TC-IYI, UN-42342, UN-42373, UN-42401, UN-42407, UN-42410, UN-42424, UN-42428, UN-42430, UN-42446, UN-42447, UN-42448, UN-42558, UN-42640, UN-42641, UN-42642, UN-42703, UN-42712, UN-42721, UN-42730, UP-42721, UP-Y4201, UP-Y4203, UP-Y4204, UP-Y4205, UP-Y4206, UP-Y4207, UP-Y4208, UP-Y4210, UP-Y4211, UR-42366, UR-42369, UR-42372, UR-42377, UR-42381, UR-42403, UR-42405, UR-42409, UR-42410, UR-42416, UR-42419, UR-42422, UR-42424, UR-42426, UR-42449, UR-42703, UR-CDU, UR-CER, UR-CFA, UR-KBR, YL-LBT, YL-LBU, YL-LBV, YL-LBY, YL-LBZ
06-16, 06-13, 07-18, 04-14, 06-14, 02-14, 05-14, 03-11, 05-11, 03-08, 12-08, 04-09, 07-09, 09-09, 05-10, 07-10, 08-10, 09-10, 01-11, 02-11, 04-11, 06-11, 08-11, 09-11, 10-11, 08-12, 10-12, 02-13, 04-13, 07-13, 10-13, 01-14, 07-14, 08-14, 09-14, 02-15, 02-05, 03-16, 09-17, 05-12, 02-10, 03-10, 09-15, 08-15, 05-15, 06-17, 03-13, 05-13, 01-15, 04-12, 06-15, 10-15, 09-13, 07-16, 08-16, 01-17, 05-17, 05-18, 06-18, 09-18, 04-19, 10-18, 02-19, 01-19, 09-16, 10-17, 07-17, 08-13, 01-16
Calculation price on Yakovlev Yak-42D